

CA2010 - Plastics monitoring detection remediation recovery

PRIORITY is a science and technology research network focused on developing, implementing, and consolidating strategies to tackle the global challenges of micro- and nanoplastics in the environment.

Stefania Federici: PRIORITY Action Chair


Assessment of nano/microplastics impacts

The main objective of PLASTACTS is to provide a thorough understanding of the sources, fate of micro- and nanoplastics (N/MPs), and to develop an analytical protocol to identify, characterize and assess the impact of N/MPs. For this objective PLASTACTS will consider the development of environmentally relevant testing materials that better mirror the broad heterogeneity of naturally occurring N/MPs, as well the detection and occurrence in a real environment of macro, meso and microplastics, in order to support the holistic understanding of the plastic pollution in the environment. Moreover, the impact on biota of N/MPs with different composition, shape, size, and degradation state will be evaluated using well-established methods for the dynamics of uptake, accumulation and egestion in mussels.

Stefania Federici: PI of the project

microONE - Microplastic Particles: A Hazard for Human Health?

microONE is a research project led by CBmed with a specific focus on the health effects of micro- and nanoplastic particles on human health, which is currently funded as a COMET module by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

microONE is a reference project within the “Action Plan Microplastics 2022-2025” of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology in Austria (available only in German).

The Chem-Bio-NanoInterfaces Division is scientific partner of the project. Stefania Federici is Research Unit Leader.


Closed-loop wAter Systems in textile industrial distriCts: multimodal orchestrAteD rEmoval of emerging pollutants from textile wastewater

In the CASCADE project, two categories of emerging (micro) pollutants of great interest in the textile sector have been selected: poly- and per- fluorinated compounds (PFAS) and Microplastics.

PFAS are among the most persistent emerging micropollutants and among the substances most studied by researchers in recent years, due to their impact on the environment and on human health, so much so that they are subject to great attention by regulatory bodies.

Microplastics in water is the second addressed problem, whose origin is partly connected to the production cycle and deterioration during the use of textile products containing synthetic fibers. 

The Chem-Bio-NanoInterfaces Division is scientific partner of the project. Stefania Federici is Research Unit Leader.

Interaction between emerging contaminants: the role of microplastics

Cariplo Foundation for Scientific Research, Young Researchers Grant.

Serena Ducoli: PI of the Project

Scientific Collaborations

Adsorption of environmental organic pollutants

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Piacenza, Italy

Prof. Luigi Lucini

Interaction of micro- and nanoplastics with heavy metals

Università degli Studi di Brescia - Environmental and Analytical Chemistry Division @Chem4Tech Lab, Italy - Prof. Laura Borgese

Universitat de Girona, Spain - Prof. Eva Margui Grabulosa

Optical properties of nanoplastics

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Brescia

Prof. Luca Gavioli

Biofilm formation

University of Ljubljiana, Slovenia

Prof. Gabriela Kalčíková

Advanced Analytical Techniques for micro- and nanoplastics

CNR-IPCB, Italy -  Dr. Mariacristina Cocca

VITO, Belgium - Dr. Milica Velimirovic

Monitoring microplastics in snow 

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Proff. Matteo Tommasini and Paolo Ossi

Monitoring microplastics in wastewater treatment plants 

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Prof. Fancesca Malpei

Citizen Science Projects

Università degli Studi di Brescia - Prof. Valerio Villa

Voluntary association - PloggingKidsFranciacorta